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How Satisfied Audience toward Your Presentation Session?

A bit similar to feedback form, measuring satisfaction level more into translate the response given by the audience and whether they would love to continue keep in touch with us or not. The difference is, we can determine the meaning of each satisfaction level before the presentation session begins. The goal is that we can estimate what things need to be prepared to achieve the best level of satisfaction we want. After determine each satisfaction level, we can simply adapt the measurement levels to feedback form or even by asking briefly to our team members who attend the session.

How to start?

You can start by determining what kind of level when the audience feels very disappointed and when the audience feels very satisfied with our session. The easiest example is to apply the star principle. Give meaning of the star itself, for example:

  • 1 star: the audience feels very disappointed / unhappy and has the potential to share his/her bad experiences with their relatives
  • 2 stars: the audience feels something is missing, some are not in accordance with their expectations
  • 3 stars: the audience feels normal, he/she already heard about the topic and there is nothing special about this presentation session
  • 4 stars: the audience feels happy / gives positive appreciation (it's something new to them about the topic)
  • 5 Stars: the audience is very satisfied with the session we bring (interested to keep in contact / further collaboration)

What is it for the speaker?

After we got to know the audiences' perspective about the star measurement, we also need to know what is it for the speaker. We certainly need to translate it into clear and actionable steps for self-evaluation. Herewith some examples:

  • 1 star: when the speaker arrived very late, voices were not clear, presentation slides were very wordy (contact DoctorSlide for professional design assistance), speakers weren't straight forward and did not master the content yet unable to answer audience questions.
  • 2 stars: when the speaker explains unclearly without specific / real example so that the topic still confusing for the audience. Usually for slide presentations will also seem like a textbook that too wordy.
  • 3 stars: when the speaker explained as promised at the beginning of session. Speakers are not engage with audiences. Just a general session where the audience feels okay with it.
  • 4 stars: when the speaker explains well, do a small quiz activity with a small appreciation gift that is memorable for the audience. The presentation slides are quite concise and interesting. There is a lot of knowledge besides the topics discussed and makes the audience amazed.
  • 5 stars: when the speaker explained well and played intonation like a storyteller, the presentation slides were brilliant and interesting (there is an animation for example). Speaker able to answer every questions with satisfied explanation because he/she is mastering the topic. Provides many practical examples in everyday life that help audience understand further.

All of the stars above are just examples, determine your own indicators and make these things / conditions as a checklist to prepare interesting presentation sessions for the audience.

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Disclaimer: this article originated written in Bahasa and being translated using Google Translate hence please understand if there's any mistake of tenses and/or misunderstanding that occurred. Read the original version by switch this web to Bahasa version on upper right button. Thank you for reading!

Pictures credit to Freepik

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