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How to Manage Time in Get Things Done Faster

This topic might sound a little bit cliché because it's all about time management and how to deal with everyday "urgency". But yes, it's the thing that attack us every single day. The impact? You might see some "wordy" slides and reasons behind because the creator said he/she has no time to finish it. That's not the condition that you dream of, right?

How to improve quality of our work without being forced by "urgency" that stresses us out? Quoted from Stephen Covey's theory of 4 time management quadrants, there are some thoughts to classify each task and how we can prioritize based on each characteristics (figure of figure quoted from the Forbes website).

Let's dive deeper regarding each classification.

1. "Urgent and Important"

This is the area where those activities classified as things that can help us in achieving our goals and is in very short deadline. These activities can be in the form of a crisis (there are public complaints for example), accident, and other matters that are a priority to be resolved right away.

2. "Not Urgent and Important"

This is the area where things that are still important for us to do but not urgent (there is still time). But you know what, it is precisely the quadrant that has to be in our focus, in order to prevent activities in this quadrant move to the urgent quadrant. Why? Because activities such as prevention, financial planning, and corporate strategy formulation can become a good basis for prevent any urgent things to be happened. So, focus and take a look one by one these non-urgent but important tasks before everything get chaos. If you already know that you will need to do the year-end presentation slides, it would be nice if you have started collecting information and analysis data from the first quarter.

3. "Urgent and Not Important"

Differently with the second one, this is the area where activities belongs to "urgent" but literally not too important. Usually it comes from other parties who push you to put full attention toward their request hence made it seems "urgent". For example, other division meeting invitations that do not really need your contribution or the some of events that waste your time (because they can be represented by others). It's exception if there are networking activities that need you to reach your goals (an example of an audience that suits your target market), then networking activities can be classified as important.

4. "Not Urgent and Not Important"

You might think you have no kind of activities just like this fourth quadrant. But you know what, it's embedded unconsciously in our life. The things like checking social media for hours, gossiping with other work colleagues and various activities that spend time. We must be able to self-aware and control ourselves for various activities belonging to this quadrant four.

As a result, if you are able to classify each of your weekly activities into this quadrant scheme, then the priorities can be realized soon. You can easily assess what activities should be the main focus and complete the work without hurry and of course with maximum results. If you have to choose to focus on two important things, for example completing company presentation slides and providing training to branch leaders, then you can use outsourcing strategies, such as using DoctorSlide services for presentation slides and you can focus on other important activities. Set your time and reach the goals without being pushed!

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Disclaimer: this article originated written in Bahasa and being translated using Google Translate hence please understand if there's any mistake of tenses and/or misunderstanding that occurred. Read the original version by switch this web to Bahasa version on upper right button. Thank you for reading!

Pictures credit to Freepik and Forbes.

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