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Does Pointer Really Important to Assist Your Session?

Pointer is kind of presentation tool that are usually shaped like a remote or currently embedded within a smartphone device. It can help you make the presentation session run smoothly since all controls in your hand. However, it is important to know in advance what the true functions of the pointer and how it suits with the concept of your presentation session. This can help you in measuring how effective / useful it is to use pointer.

Focus on Content Details

If you have lot of details in the presentation, for example charts with detailed numbers, using pointer will be very suitable to help you focus on the details. The easiest thing is to press the 'focus' button which is usually indicated by the presence of a small red  light that follows with the direction of your hand. Pointer can help direct the audience to see / pay attention to which area of your presentation slides. Of course this will make it easier for you to communicate the same perception, right?

Play Slide Transitions Effect based on Request

If you are conducting indoor session with large-scale of audience (more than 50 people), then you are highly advised to use pointer. Why? Because you get the freedom to control each slide's transition without need to rely on someone (let's say an operator) to control on your laptop and repeating the same order of "next, next" which of course will disturb to the concentration of the audience. Not to mention if the operator is less aware in which create "delay" or even "too fast transition effect" during the presentation. Even if you are on a big podium, even though there are lines of operator teams, you are still advised to use a pointer to control the whole transition and presentation. The standby operator team during a large podium presentation is usually responsible for technical errors.

Free to move and interact with audiences

You no longer need to be near by laptop when explaining. With pointers, you can just walk closer to the audience and invite them to participate actively in your presentation sessions. However, it needs to be adjusted again with the pointer capabilities you choose (how many meters the connection distance is). This way, you can engage in more intense interaction with the audience.

Extra tips: make sure you have tried 2-3 times to run a presentation with the tool / software pointer before D-Day so that it can be known if there are technical problems. Congratulations on having a pleasant presentation session!

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Disclaimer: this article originated written in Bahasa and being translated using Google Translate hence please understand if there's any mistake of tenses and/or misunderstanding that occurred. Read the original version by switch this web to Bahasa version on upper right button. Thank you for reading!

Pictures credit to Freepik

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