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4 Useful Tips for Killing Time between Presentation Break

Breaking time that given to you in between of presentation session is happened with reason. It can be a "resting time" for speaker to prepare for the next session or even for "quick grooming" time / bathroom for audiences. However, if you have no similar agenda and just bored to wait until the time is over, herewith the tips that you can try to maximize the given time. 

Get to Know Other Participants Closer

Yup! It's time to show and give your business card as first step to establish new relationships. By kicking out this first step, you are opening your own door to wide prospect of clients and working partners in the future. Try to target at least 5 new people for each session that you are going to introduce yourself. Start the conversation with nice and short greeting. You can ask further the reason that brought them into the session. Just like, "Hello, how are you? I'm Budi from ABC Studio, what motivates you to come to this event?"

Take a Moment to Discuss with the Speaker

If you were attending as audience, then it's your opportunity to get in touch personally with the speaker and introduce yourself yet discuss further on something that attracts you from the session. Get your USB flash disk just in case if you want to ask the presentation file from the speaker (for reference or further learning). If you were attending as a speaker, then it might be a golden opportunity to have chit chat with other speakers while sipping coffee. 

Take Time to Evaluate and Trouble-Shooting

If you face some trouble conditions previously (and you are the speaker of it) then it's important to take this breaking time as reflection time to evaluate and do a quick trouble-shooting. Perhaps you can adjust your content based on the facts that you found or change the delivery method. You can also take this opportunity to cross-check with the committee if there's trouble with the supporting tools like microphone or room temperature.

Time to Follow Up Important Leads

If you just remember some of important stuffs then it's perfect time to get things done through this breaking time. You may also do a quick follow up to some new contacts/ideas for strategic cooperation through email or call. It's better to make things done rather than forget the entire list. Or you can just list out what kind of things that you need to do right after finishing the presentation session. This tips will also make you focus for the next session without urgency to check your phone notifications. 

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Disclaimer: this article originated written in Bahasa and being translated using Google Translate hence please understand if there's any mistake of tenses and/or misunderstanding that occurred. Read the original version by switch this web to Bahasa version on upper right button. Thank you for reading!

Pictures credit to Freepik

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