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Tips to be a Good Spokesperson for Talkshow Event

Becoming a speaker in a talkshow can be a good momentum for everyone, including you. It's going to boost your credibility and achieve your goals of course. Especially if you have prepared yourself before so all nervous will not be there. Thus, how to be a good spokesperson for a talkshow? 

Get the Questions List

In general, event committee will already prepare some core questions that will be asked by moderator to you. Make sure before the D-Day, you have receive the complete questions list. You have the right to discuss further and give input if there are some questions that are too sensitive or not inside your code of working ethics. Discuss accordingly so the session will be flawless and comfort for anybody.

Prepare Your Outline

We aren't suggesting you to read out loud from a paper. But this one, preparing your outline (whether on your smartphone notes or even paper notes) will help you to align your response according to the questions list. Hence, the conversation can be still on track. Just prepare outline answer toward questions list that you have received such as the keywords that you want to emphasize.


Even you might think that talkshow is easier than a standalone presentation, you still have to prepare yourself by having quick practice toward the outline that you've drafted. You can do it with your co-working partner or even yourself in front of mirror.

Know the Audience Scale and Event Format

It's important to know how big is the audience that will determine how you should behave. Audience scale with more than 300 people in large room will certainly have its own challenge to make sure they are paying full attention to you. Make sure the sound system is supporting enough to serve the entire audiences. Don't let a single technical fail ruins your session. It's also different if you are conducting online talkshow that you just need to make eye contact  on the camera instead of all audiences. Format of event such as what time the event begins will also affect your way of talking. For example, a talkshow session after dinner will certainly good if you insert kind of icebreaker topic in the beginning to prevent people from being asleep.

If Possible, Do Involve Audiences

You can involve the participants or audiences by creating an interactive Q&A session. Don't just receive questions, you can also ask some questions back to the audience about their opinions. This might create interesting and alive session between you and the participants.

Prepare Merchandises

If your talkshow is held in conjunction to promoting your business or company, then we are suggesting you to prepare some souvenirs for all audiences. These little souvenirs/merchandise will be a good and positive impression while act as a reminder toward the topic that you are discussing.

Stunning Presentation Slide

If the committee want to use presentation slides in the beginning to describe about your biodata and current portfolio as introduction, then it's better to you to prepare it professionally. Always use the same design elements and colors related to your company or yourself. Don't hesitate to contact DoctorSlide for further assistance of designing stunning powerpoint / keynote presentation slides.

Goodluck for your talk show!

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Disclaimer: this article originated written in Bahasa and being translated using Google Translate hence please understand if there's any mistake of tenses and/or misunderstanding that occurred. Read the original version by switch this web to Bahasa version on upper right button. Thank you for reading!

Pictures credit to Pexels

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