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Time Discipline for Better Presentation Results

Being a presentation speaker does not mean that you own the right to freely arrive on the event or force the committee to follow your sudden schedule changes. By taking part of being presenter means we are showing our real attitude as positive example to be followed by audience hence we can gain trust naturally and make the most of our topic.

Time discipline is the core key to gain audiences' trust. Why is it important? Because most of our presentation's objective is intended to be trusted by the audience so what you are trying to explain should be inline with your natural body language and respected attitude. Herewith, DoctorSlide team summarizes 3 simple ways that can be implemented along with time discipline matter.

Come Earlier

For any presentation session that you are going to present, regardless of your super busy schedule, it's always suggested to attend before the session starts. By attending earlier, you will have opportunity to know your audience better and adjust your style of presentation based on their personality. It matters since you will need to convince them in trusting your overall session. Know your audience closer by come earlier and hustle around.

Start the Presentation Session on Schedule

Some of you might often experience that the presentation session is starting late than schedule. It's still considered as okay if the attended audience still below 50% of the overall registered participants. But you must not postpone it too long. We should also respect the time of attended audiences. Take around 15 minutes maximum to wait the rest of participants (and in parallel have your committee team member to follow up/remind those participants). Don't forget to also prepare some light snack/coffee to the forum while sounding that the session is about to start within 15 minutes. However, if you conduct such formal and urgent event that is very time sensitive (i.e. presentation session of a company teaser for an initial public offering activity), it's highly advised to start on time.

The Right Duration of Presentation Session

If you have set the duration of your own presentation session, for example about 30 minutes, then stick with it. If your audiences happened to be really enthusiast with your topic and ask so many questions even though the time has reaching to an end, then you can provide follow up contact information (email address or telephone number) where you can be reached personally for further question session. By doing this tips, you are appreciating everybody's time and personal schedule that you cannot guess whether they have any important occasion or not after your session.

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Disclaimer: this article originated written in Bahasa and being translated using Google Translate hence please understand if there's any mistake of tenses and/or misunderstanding that occurred. Read the original version by switch this web to Bahasa version on upper right button. Thank you for reading!

Pictures credit to Pexels

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