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3 Easy Ways to Conduct Data Research for Startup Presentation

Quality presentations are always supported with valid data. So does your startup presentation slides. In general, validity of data can be obtained by conducting series of research. Some startups may experience a dilemma when it comes to obtaining research data. Not to mention the expensive price (if choose the option to hire survey agency), research is also complicated just like preparing a thesis (if you choose to do it by yourself). In fact, everything can be so much easier, depends on the purpose of each data. Here are 3 easy ways that DoctorSlide recommends in conducting data research.

1. Telephone Interview

You can have a direct discussion with several people that you know through the phone. The trick is simple, go prepare a complete list of questions related to your presentation slides. Usually testimonials or opinions of products / services are suitable with this telephone interview. For participants you can choose randomly from your relations or specify in accordance with the persona categories you think the most suitable (e.g. if you are aiming for maternity-cloth purchase behavior, it's best to have women with children as your target of participants). For displaying the results of telephone interview in your slide, you can conclude some opinion which describe the essence of  can be displayed in the form of opinion cuts raised by the survey participants.

2. Online Survey

Currently, there are many online survey providers for free that you can use. This method is more suitable for you who want quantitative kind of response (e.g. using multiple choice kind of question). DoctorSlide suggests you can use either Google Forms or Survey Monkey apps that easily manage your survey results and help you to summarize into useful conclusions. With this method, you can target more audiences in a quick, lower cost and as many as you can just by spreading the hyperlink of the survey!

3. Referencing / Quoting / Citing

This third step is often applied in preparing a startup presentation. In addition to its validated data, the method of citing the existing survey also does not require much cost. In fact, you only need to utilize the limitless of internet to find suitable data record and don't forget to attach the footnote to appreciate the source/researcher. Usually this method is suitable for general questions / issues that we want to bring in the presentation content (eg Total Purchase Power of e-Commerce in ASEAN countries).

Present only the data that you think most suitable with your goals, don't put too much unnecessary data that able to ruin everything. Don't add extra opinion of yours, keep it real from the source without any manipulation. At the end, you will enjoy that these series of research data bring you a lot of trust from audience.

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Disclaimer: this article originated written in Bahasa and being translated using Google Translate hence please understand if there's any mistake of tenses and/or misunderstanding that occurred. Thank you for reading!

Photo credits: Pexels

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