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Create a Stand Out Presentation Content through Brainstorm!

Good presentation content didn't just happened by writing whatever things that comes to our mind. Instead, we need to explore further about the topic with brainstorm method. Learn more about brainstorm tricks from DoctorSlide below.

The term itself, "Brainstorm", introduced by Alex F. Osborn (as quoted from Wikipedia) is a term that indicates the activity of finding as many opinions / ideas spontaneously to solve a problem. Brainstorm can be conducted alone but if you can find partner, it might be a better option. Then how to do it correctly?

1. Prepare Paper, Markers, and Post It Note

To start a brainstorm, make sure you prepare all the paper, markers, or post it notes that you can write down various ideas that suddenly come. Adjust those equipment with the number of brainstorm participants to make sure every person get right to pour down their ideas directly without interruption in getting these operational tools such as paper, makers etc.

2. Start with the "What" and "How" Questions

Start your brainstorming activity by asking "What" and "How". For example, you want to create a sales content for property, you can start the brainstorm session by questioning "how is the latest property market conditions?" and "what is the purpose of your presentation?" Further brainstorming can be done by adding questions like "Who", "Why", and "Where" related with the topic. Write any respond that comes up to the paper you provided  before.

3. Maximize Search Engine

The era of today's technology makes it easier for us to search for any information that might be related to your question. Get used to search deeper with search engine such as Google and Bing Search.

4. Analysis of Research Results / Survey

Continue from the previous step, it's time to analyze which answer might suit the best with your core question. At this stage, don't hesitate to eliminate any non-related answer hence your presentation content will be more focused. The results of this analysis you can pour to enrich the presentation content, but don't forget to give credit for the source of the survey agency (if any).

5. Jot Down All Ideas

Last step is to draw simple branch of your ideas together within one main paper with cause-effect flow. The center of the branch should be the main topic. The simple example as below.

Make sure you always try to brainstorm to develop the content / concept of the presentation with the team / people around you. More brains are certainly better than just 1 brain who thinks alone. By resulting the brainstorm map, you can easily assess and have the overview how your presentation will be run. Happy brainstorming!

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Disclaimer: this article originated written in Bahasa and being translated using Google Translate hence please understand if there's any mistake of tenses and/or misunderstanding that occurred. Thank you for reading!

Photo credits to Pexels

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