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Gain Your Success with Controlling Your Presentation Speed

A presentation session is highly recommended not to exceed 30 minutes so that the audience can digest what is delivered perfectly. However, what if you have a lot of things to be explained while you are having limited time?

Limit Your Conclusion no more than 3 points!

Try to draw conclusion on a piece of paper with no more than 3 points. Repeat and understand the conclusion so that you can convey the words that fit and easy to understand. On the day of presentation, you just use this technique to express important points.

Arrange your Breath Rhythm

Breathe deeply before starting the presentation and slow down your phase of talking. Remember, the important thing is how to make the audience understand what you are talking about, not how quickly you say it. So it is very important to regulate your breath phase so we might not look like really in rush / nervous in the presentation that will certainly disrupt the concentration of the audience.

Avoid Term / Jargon

We discussed earlier that it is advisable to avoid jargon / difficult terms to understand when presenting. If your session does require a lot of usage of terms, make sure you explain exactly and briefly what the term means.

Eye Contact with Audiences

Make physical communication through eye contact with audience deeply and randomly. Take a look on their eyes to make sure whether they are fully understand what you are saying or not (usually audience will nod their nose if they get your points).

Re-confirm with Audience

The only way that you know whether your audience is still focused and agree with your topic is to ask directly for their feedback. Ask if your speed of communication is too quick or they have a lot questions to ask.

Successful communication is where communicator and audience understand each other. It is important to control your speech speed so that communication goals are achieved. Complete entire presentation with professional presentation, ask DoctorSlide for further assistance.

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Disclaimer: this article originated written in Bahasa and being translated using Google Translate hence please understand if there's any mistake of tenses and/or misunderstanding that occurred. Thank you for reading!

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