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Understanding the Meaning of Good Presentation

Presentations are defined as a session for explaining a topic to listeners, including online (like webinars) or offline (face-to-face). Presentation can be determined as the most effective communication channel for various purposes such as:

  • introducing products / services
  • increase sales
  • change perception
  • teaching (as in the world of education in explaining a topic of further discussion)

Today, however, often people have forgotten the true meaning of "presentation". There are many qualified speaker is not doing their best. One general mistake that happens is where the speakers are likely to bring presentation slides that are too wordy and confusing the audience. And for sure it made all things went fatal and bias. What's wrong?

Give Yourself A Full Focus along with the Content

Make sure you have enough time also to focus on mastering the material and thinking about the suitable way to present it. Do a short survey of who your audience category is and use examples appropriate to the audiences' environment.

Make a Helpful Slide, Not the Confusing One

Remember, presentation slides are displayed to help you communicate the content, not trying to confusing the audience even further. Do not try to fill the presentation slides with everything you want to say because it will create too-crowded slides. If we just slightly think about what makes "Powerpoint" has its name, then you will be so sure the founder tends to say out loud that "points has power" to communicate. Not long words, not long sentences, but points of your topic that should be presented. Limit your main topic to one only on each slide.

Treat Audience As Human, Not Walls

It is important to realize that you will be dealing with a group of listeners who are also human like you. Do not assume they are walls or other dead objects. Play eye contact just like you are talking with friends. Be friendly and accept questions with an open mind.

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Disclaimer: this article originated written in Bahasa and being translated using Google Translate hence please understand if there's any mistake of tenses and/or misunderstanding that occurred. Thank you for reading!

Pictures credit to Pexels and Freepik

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