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Get to Know Millennial Style of Presentation

Millennial is a generation between 1982 and 2004 (quoted from The Atlantic dot com) and is the generation that currently dominating the working space. It's undeniable that the arrival of this generation influences the working culture and how they interact, yet kind of disrupting the previous generations (Baby Boomers and Y Generation) who also still active working.

Understanding Millennial Characters

Because they were born in the developing new internet era, it's no wonder they tend to be fluent in using technology. But because of their parents who mostly generation Y (hard workers who do not want their child suffer), then Millennial generation born to be  typical people who love freedom and will strive to get what they want without feeling forced. They tend to be involve in community and two-ways communication (no longer a one-way command). This is also affects how they are reacting in working activities, especially when they are delivering presentations.

Typical Millennial Presentations in General

They like simple presentation slides, not preferring wordy slides but still owning high value of content such as throwing a mindful question or interesting facts.

The simple slide presentation as above aims to gather the focus of the audience's attention on the speaker, the millennial itself. We can learn a lot that slides do not have to be full of written content that will actually make the audience bored and distracted by the focus of their views. Instead, presentation slides as supporting media must be used as a medium that helps the audience understand what is being said. This principle is usually understood by most of the millennials by using a variety of image and writing ornaments that tend to be large to make it look more attractive.

Dressing style

Don't be surprised if you catch some of the millennial speakers who just wear casual clothes when presenting at official forums. They are respecting the seminar for sure, but that just how they love to dress nowadays. Millennials tend to have a flexible and casual style. It's far away from being rigid. Therefore, if there's an event which highly required formal attire, it is better if the committee can let the millennial speaker know in advance hence the dress style would be suitable.Interesting Lessons

Apart from the "out of the world" side of the millennials in general, their presentation style should be explored further because it has a variety of interesting lessons that are useful for all generations. They believe that visual can deliver a better understanding for audience. They also tend to prefer two-ways communication style that create effectiveness in connecting between audience and speaker without gap. They also like to insert factual data to support the concept of their presentation. This is important to build the credibility of the speaker and the entire topic that are being discussed along the presentation session. So, bring the best of you on the slide and impress the audience!

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Disclaimer: this article originated written in Bahasa and being translated using Google Translate hence please understand if there's any mistake of tenses and/or misunderstanding that occurred. Read the original version by switch this web to Bahasa version on upper right button. Thank you for reading!

Pictures credit to Pexels

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