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Tips for Delivering Counseling Type of Presentation

Counseling is kind of activity that occurred when somebody needs couching related with self-issue or generally social issue. We also do some counseling activity related with health and medicine with doctors when it comes to the right procedure question. Let's say you are the one who is responsible to give counseling, what should you prepare for the presentation? Is it differ from the usual slides?

Determine the Clear Goals of Counseling Activity

You should really know what kind of goal that you want to achieve through counseling activity. Is it just for informative wise only? Or you want to make it more into prevention teaching related with some negative issue? This goal will be act as key idea of your presentation and should be mentioned since the beginning. By having clear goals, you can create related contents without having out of topic explanations that will ruin your presentation.

Give An Actionable Solution, Avoid Idealistic One

Counseling is intended to provide useful knowledge for the audience. However, as the speaker we need to give an actionable solution means can be really implemented by audiences in their real life. Don't try to frame an ideal condition and confuse audience furthermore. Sometimes, too ideal solution and situation will just decrease the confidence level of audience toward their own issue and you lost the main goal in parallel. You can assess the realistic level of your solution by asking to your family, if they are the persons who were having the same condition and given the same solution, do they able to apply it? 

Empower Your Idea with Testimonials

Counseling is a way to collect trust from audience toward the topic that you are bringing. To make your statement stronger and trustable, you can insert real testimonial from some key persons that actually have experience related with it. This can be a written testimonial that you show up on the slide or even better if you can make it with video format. By having testimonials, audience can digest further regarding why they need to follow your tips.

Talk with Enthusiasm

We bet that you will do the best approach to make sure audience believe and follow your counseling suggestions. Therefore, you certainly need a high spirit in terms of enthusiasm of delivering the presentation. By having this kind of enthusiast attitude (clear voice, eye contact and friendly gesture) you are building the positive credibility about yourself that you are having good will to help them out.

Interesting Presentation Design

You will indeed need a good and professional design to attract audiences and make them stay focus to the overall session. Don't hesitate to outsource the skills (for example contacting DoctorSlide for presentation design and concept development) and let yourself focus on other important things. Presentation with attractive designs will complete your session and leave a good feedback about how counseling activity goes by. Avoid any boring and wordy slides by doing extra effort to insert good graphics on it. It's worth with what you expect for sure. Good luck for your counseling class! If you like our articles, help us to share this knowledge via social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn) thanks a bunch and have a nice day! :) 

Disclaimer: this article originated written in Bahasa and being translated using Google Translate hence please understand if there's any mistake of tenses and/or misunderstanding that occurred. Read the original version by switch this web to Bahasa version on upper right button. Thank you for reading!

Pictures credit to Freepik

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