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Presentation Tips for the Fasting Month of Ramadan

Performing a presentation in the month of Ramadan does not mean sacrifice the overall quality just because of fasting. By applying the following tricks, DoctorSlide hopes you can stay motivated and fresh to deliver a presentation.

Prepare All Supporting Materials Maximum D-1

If you have planned a presentation session with large audience category more than 30 people and held in a such plenary hall, then make sure all supporting materials/tools are available maximum of D-1. Supporting tools such as sound systems, event rundown, to presentation files. Don't be in a hurry on the D-day because it will certainly consume extra energy. Make sure you keep a checklist related to the needed tools and get prepared before the day to facilitate your preparation.

Self Aware and Take Care of Personal Health

Of course you are the one who know exactly the physical condition of yourself. Thus, don't hesitate to check regularly with your doctor and take vitamins / supplements to support physical endurance every day. Try to start your day (fasting) by taking proper meal and  drinking enough water so your body will be hydrated along the day.

Maximize The Power of Sound System Equipment

Sometimes, presenter is not maximize the power of sound system and tend to use their own original tone to make the voice louder. If you are presenting without fasting, it will be okay. However, during the fasting month this can bring a serious impact. Because as a speaker with fasting activities, you must prevent yourself from drinking water so it is very advisable to use microphone hence you can save your energy for entire session.

Enough rest

It's very important to pay attention to good sleep hours. Try not to force yourself to stay up too late. Make sure your sleep time stays at least 7 hours so that your health is maintained. You need to smart managing your working task and also manage to get sleep on time.

Complete Your Day with Prayer

The last tips for you is to always start and end a presentation session with prayer and full confidence in God so that the session can run smoothly based on expectations. Hence you can feel more calm and enthusiasm to give the best performance in explaining the topic of presentation.

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Disclaimer: this article originated written in Bahasa and being translated using Google Translate hence please understand if there's any mistake of tenses and/or misunderstanding that occurred. Read the original version by switch this web to Bahasa version on upper right button. Thank you for reading!

Pictures credit to Pexels

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