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Maximize Outside-Meeting Activity for Effective Working Progress

Regardless of your specific goals for arranging out-of-office meeting, you certainly have your own strong argument why meetings are held in certain locations (and not in the office). It could be because of the tight schedule, the physical distance or even the unique character of your client.

If you meet in a cafe, not all places provide sufficient equipment that supports presentation (if you need to present) such as projector and whiteboard. But we can maximize it with the following tips.

Always Bring a Note Book

In the era of technology like nowadays, we can easily take notes on electronic gadgets. But you know, carrying and noting attitude in a physical notebook creates a positive perception that you are sincerely listening to your counterpart. Pressing the smartphone screen or busy typing on a laptop, it just distracting and create the image that you are "busy" with other topics. So, it is highly advised if you bring a notebook and use it to write down ideas that arise during the discussion and make conclusion.

Choose a Place with Snack Option

If you are aiming to lobby or negotiate then it's a good idea to have a meeting in a place that has a snack option (not only heavy lunch/dinner). This will make it easier for you to talk and do product demonstrations (if any) without having to be distracted with a mouth full of meal. Even if your guests choose at heavy meal kind of restaurant, then you must be clever in managing the time (choose the lighter meal or you can eat before the meeting) so you can still able to communicate with client flawlessly.

Proactive in Sending Email Conclusions

Minutes of Meeting or the conclusion of a discussion must be sent after the meeting, complete with what actions must be taken to address the outcome of the agreement. By taking the initiative first, you have the opportunity to add any additional presentation slides (company profiles) and loop internal stakeholders that are important to know the progress of the discussion.

Equip Yourself with WiFi

Sounds simple, but never rely on wi-fi facilities at the meeting place. Because it's not necessarily guaranteed, so it would be better if you also provide equipment such as Mobile WiFi or your smartphone that can be used as a personal hotspot (don't forget to bring the Powerbank or charger so you don't run out of battery). This era of the internet era can really help you in finding out the information needed at any time you need in the middle of a discussion.

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Disclaimer: this article originated written in Bahasa and being translated using Google Translate hence please understand if there's any mistake of tenses and/or misunderstanding that occurred. Read the original version by switch this web to Bahasa version on upper right button. Thank you for reading!

Pictures credit to Freepik

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