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What Kind of Questions that Allowed to Ask when Doing Job Interview?

Applying for a job is not just sending a CV and waiting the good news whether we get the job or not. Nowadays, when technology changes almost all aspects of life, sometimes employers want the applicants to do sort of job presentation in advance (to know further about the applicants' characters and capability). Well, after the presentation, the employers usually ask you a few things. Afterward, you might being asked to ask questions back. Sounds interesting, but some of applicants might confuse about what are the right questions to ask and can help to increase their approval of job application.

Then, what should you ask? Is it mandatory thing to do? How is it going to influence the decision of your job application acceptance?

Know the Interview Stages

You must always be aware of the stages of the interview being undertaken. If this is an advance session with a user (prospective supervisor) then you usually don't need to ask about employee benefits at this stage. In general, you can ask in detail the salary / employee benefit when you are entering in the final stage with human capital or human resource division (usually after user agree to accept you).

Ask Scope of Job

Even though you already get the job information at the beginning before submitting application, it's still okay if you want to ask further about the scope and expectation of job position if you think still unclear. Especially if you are entering the interview stage with user, you can explore more about the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) or any specific tools that been used for assessing division's performance. This will help a lot for your future if you get accepted, also the employer will think that you are serious enough to prepare yourself to take the offered job. 

Ask the Previous PIC Track Record

If you were applying for a job position that has been owned by somebody else or replacing a person, you may ask a glance about previous PIC. Do the user expect something to be changed from new successor? Is there any specific problem with previous PIC or anything else? Try to ask without any intimidating intention/tone, do it politely and respective. If the user seems didn't want to talk it further, don't forge him/her to continue.

Ask Feedback about Your Presentation

This is a good opportunity to ask feedback regarding the presentation you just delivered. By having this kind of question, you will be taking many advantages to evaluate yourself, get objective feedback, and for sure useful inputs toward how you will gonna make a better version later. Write down any feedback on your notebook or smartphone (ask permission first so the interviewer doesn't mislead to think that you are playing phone for other occasion). Take a chance to enjoy this job interview as pathway to learn more about our capability and whatever decision comes to an end, you are receiving the constructive feedback already beforehand. Best of luck for your job application process!

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Disclaimer: this article originated written in Bahasa and being translated using Google Translate hence please understand if there's any mistake of tenses and/or misunderstanding that occurred. Read the original version by switch this web to Bahasa version on upper right button. Thank you for reading!

Pictures credit to Freepik

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