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Impact of Technology Development for Your Presentation Session

The perks of internet access and advanced technology era really contribute in making our life easier, especially related with your daily presentation routine. However, it's also give us some negative impacts that might challenge your step if you didn't prevent it since the beginning. Let's drill further on the two sides of technology development and how it affects on our presentation session yet push ourselves to perform better.

Help You to Find Data Easier

Yes, with the freedom of internet surfing, you can find any data or content benchmark that you wish in short period of time anytime anywhere. Data search can be related to news about your topic or even an in-depth research from third party that you can explore as important base for your charts/diagrams. Make sure you are always equip yourself with bunch of important keywords to find suitable data.

Supports the Technical Matters

Several technology-based equipment just like presentation pointer, sound system and screen projector will help you during presentation session. Those tools will make your audiences to pay more attention on your session. However, you should make sure that those technical equipments are running well before the D-Day hence it won't be any technical failures during the session.

Disturb the Concentration

Although technology has lots of benefits, it also has a bad impact. For example, usage of smartphone during the session will certainly disturbing the concentration of audiences. You can minimize the influence by creating gentle agreement in first place with audience to turn off or silent their phone.

Spreading Information Effectively

Yes, internet basic features like e-mail and Google Form can be utilized further to spread out important information such as official invitation to attend your presentation session. You will no longer need to send print-out invitation to each guest (unless that is mandatory procedure from your company). Feedback form also can be spread out easily through email and you just need to wait the result.

Connecting You with Presentation Expert

Are you stuck with deadlines and design expertise in formulating your own presentation? Thank to the internet (again), especially by the rise of design startups like, you can outsource your presentation task easily and quickly. There is no reason for you to let your slides wordy or ugly, because all you need to do is just create a project online and give the expectations. Let's smart in time and work management, focus more on your top priority!

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Disclaimer: this article originated written in Bahasa and being translated using Google Translate hence please understand if there's any mistake of tenses and/or misunderstanding that occurred. Read the original version by switch this web to Bahasa version on upper right button. Thank you for reading!

Pictures credit to Pexels

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