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5 Things to Consider when Creating Awesome Company Profile

Creating stunning company profile presentation can be a real challenge or perhaps something that is too easy for some people. In fact, company profile presentation is not just a quick resume about what your company is doing and providing. Moreover, there are 5 strategic considerations that must be aware by every professional in order to develop a well-structured company profile presentation content.

What is the most interesting / unique about your company?

You can define a company profile as a formal weapon to strategize the attractiveness of your company in front of the audience. So, automatically you will need to draw a clear conclusion about what are the key factors that make your company standout among others? Do you have any unique offer that is very new to the market? Or your solution is the cheapest one that nobody can beat?

What kind of interesting facts that motivate your company to establish?

We believe that every company has its own background story about how the business is pioneered. It would be even better if you can draw some interesting facts that related with the story. For example, if your company is focusing on social media advertisement then you can come up with the facts about how many social media users are currently reside in Indonesia. You can explore these facts from your own personal research or even from third party sources like Nielsen or WeAreSocial (and Google make it easier for sure!). By providing interesting and correlated facts, it will be smoother for you to break the silent in the beginning by telling something interesting about your company and get the entire attention.

How trustworthy is your company?

You cannot expect every audience will immediately trust what you are telling. Generally, they will tend to criticize what you have explained about your company and so on. Hence, how to handle the situation and nurture trust from the audiences? You can consider to bring up some original testimonials from your existing clients and case studies that able to tell clearer visualization about your product/service.

Do you have competitor? If yes, what kind of things that different with yours?

Most audiences will prefer a transparent and honest explanations. Thus, you can consider to map out the competition landscape and point out what sets your company stand out among them. You can provide a simple table with clear indicators (e.g. price and type of service). Make sure you only summarize the factual information (not kind of badmouthing competitors). Have a comparative table can create a positive image toward your company and unconsciously influence what audiences think.

Why does the audience have to listen to you?

Last but not least, you have to consider the suitability of attended audiences with your segment market. What kind of problem from the audience that you are able to solve with your company's service/product? Why do they have to listen and trust you? Bring up some valid points that can answer the needs/pain from the audience. All of these thing can drag special attention toward your session because you understand what they need.

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Disclaimer: this article originated written in Bahasa and being translated using Google Translate hence please understand if there's any mistake of tenses and/or misunderstanding that occurred. Read the original version by switch this web to Bahasa version on upper right button. Thank you for reading!

Pictures credit to Pexels

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