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Use Door Prize to Increase Participation from Audience

Unexpected gifts or usually known as "door prizes" often make a session merrier. DoctorSlide defines "door prize" in the presentation is all types of gifts as a form of appreciation for the audience. 

What exactly is the meaning behind this "door prize"? What's the purpose? How effective is it? From these specific questions, it's better if we explore directly in terms of the psychological characters of the audience in general.

Everyone Loves Appreciation

Basically, everyone like to be appreciated, especially positive one. Appreciation can be in the form of sincere praise or gifts. Well, we can create two-ways communication by attracting audiences with gifts, just like appreciation because of actively asking questions. Thus, we expect audience will feel more valued and certainly be more focused on what we are trying to say. However, make sure the appreciation that you provide is reasonable (if in the form of goods) and honest (if in the form of words).

Does It Really Increase Audience Participation?

Whether you realize it or not, giving appreciation is usually quite effective in boosting audience participation. The easiest example is when motivating participants to ask questions. There is good or bad when you tell at the beginning that there is a door prize. The good side is that you can influence the audience's interest to be more eager to ask questions. But we need to prevent when some audiences just throwing random questions for the sake of getting prizes. You can overcome this issue by saying in advance that appreciation will be given based on the best questions decided by the committee/speaker.

Increase Branding / Positive Image

DoctorSlide strongly recommends that when giving "door prizes" or any other kind of appreciation, make sure you make it labeled with company brands/logo. Just like mugs, jackets or hats that have a company logo. This can attract audiences to proactively volunteer in posting pictures of the prizes and it's certainly a free positive publicity for your brand.

Ensuring Audiences to Stay till the End of the Session

Usually we can also use gifts as an appreciation that will only be given to the audience who stays until the session ends. This is certainly very helpful for speakers and committee to ensure that no audience is "run away". But again, it must be balanced with the quality of the content and knowledge of the speaker. If the content is interesting enough, of course there is no reason for the audience to leave, but it differs when your session is kind long hours. Make sure your presentation is fun and attractive with good visualization and well designed hence audience will eagerly to stay.

The conclusion? You can try to apply gift appreciation on your session, especially if you are presenting to a general audience (not kind of negotiation process with the client of course).

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Disclaimer: this article originated written in Bahasa and being translated using Google Translate hence please understand if there's any mistake of tenses and/or misunderstanding that occurred. Read the original version by switch this web to Bahasa version on upper right button. Thank you for reading!

Pictures credit to Pexels

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