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Create Positive Image about Your Company and Yourself

The high frequency of executives doing presentation sessions or sending them via e-mail, can be a potential risk if they are not preparing the content well. Why? Because the audience / prospective clients usually assess the image of the company and ourselves from visual things received, especially from your presentation slides. Therefore, it is highly suggested that we should spare sufficient time and serious attention to prepare well your presentation slides.

You are the reflection of your company, vice versa

You are the ambassador / representative of the company, hence you should really understand about company's vision and mission (stated on presentation). Make sure you deliver presentations in the same spirit. For example, DoctorSlide has a vision to provide a better communication for Indonesian business through presentation slides, so it's mandatory for any of DoctorSlide's representatives present by focusing on how to resolve the communication problems of prospective clients, not the other way around.

Empower Presentation Slides with Valid Data and Facts

Everyone would prefer to follow slide presentations supported by real data and facts. You can obtain this by searching suitable research content or even doing it yourself (read: Easy Ways to Do Data Research). Supporting data and facts can be inserted as the main headline in the opening slide or as an opening sentence when you make a presentation (example: "Quoting from xxx research, it turns out xxx". This step is certainly will create a higher respect toward your personality as qualified speaker.

Professional Presentation Slide Design

DoctorSlide believes that design is taking a major role in building a positive image of its makers. Presentation slides that are designed professionally will certainly show that you are well prepared. Don't let your image be ruined because the presentation slides are too full, messy or even boring. Contact the DoctorSlide team for further design assistance.

Well Dressed

If you have a face-to-face meeting for a presentation session, it is mandatory to always wear proper and polite clothing. Neatly-combed hair, respectful gesture and polite clothes will nurture a positive image of yourself and the company. Also adjust your body language when making a presentation. Create eye contact and don't discuss things that out of topic, respect your audiences' time. If you send a slide presentation via email, make sure using professional language (not slang).

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Disclaimer: this article originated written in Bahasa and being translated using Google Translate hence please understand if there's any mistake of tenses and/or misunderstanding that occurred. Read the original version by switch this web to Bahasa version on upper right button. Thank you for reading!

Pictures credit to Freepik

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