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Managing Self Image/Presentation on Social Networks

Nowadays, it becomes easier for somebody to remain unknown and declare their opinion wildly. Comments, opinions and ideas has arise and form our persona or self presentation in the internet world. Some bullies or any 'nickname' that quickly entitled to somebody famous can be widely spread and become public secret. Even worse, somebody think to end their life just because of these "massive unseen" voices.

In responding wisely, it's very important to us to keep clear between facts and opinions. This can be a good standard for you to restore the self-image after a negative issue hits badly. Self image or self presentation that are mostly the same along the time (for example: the fact that you keep speak politely to everybody else) and supported by opinion from third party around you (family, friends, co-workers) can be a good blockhouse toward all fake negativity that hunt you. Here are some tips to re-arrange our self presentation on social networks.

Monitor Your Digital Track Record

It's crucial to keep monitor and aware about what you have published on social networks, including posts or tags from your online friends. If there are things that are inappropriate appeared on your account page, better to delete those (especially if you tagged randomly from friends without reason). Why? Because as you might know before, the world of social network is truly free and wild where you unable to block any random people to discover about your page and make their opinion toward it. Everybody can pretend to be someone else easily.

Be Wise in Expressing Opinions

Utilizing the opinion column in social network doesn't mean that you can freely express anything on your mind. It's just like when you are in society, you can't suddenly mock on somebody else and make chaos. A wise opinion should be based by logical thinking and facts. If an opinion is spoken just because want to express anger or negative emotion, then it's surely will light up some social issues that potentially trigger hate speech. Avoid negative opinions that contain hate elements or direct offend toward certain people. Be wise in throwing argument since it's all reflected back toward your self-presentation.

Stay Objective

It's easy to be carried away by the majority opinions in the internet. Sometimes, we might perceive it as a fact even though it's a hoax. It's important for us to find the facts beyond a statement before going to agree with it. If it's only a personal opinion, then try to think clearly whether it's important to us to respond and act accordingly toward those opinions or not. If it's related about yourself, then before you are making clarification try to gather as many facts as possible. If possible, try to investigate what agenda behind the person to make such statement about you. Don't be too offensive, remain calm and polite. 

What are you reacting over the social media, it becomes your self presentation or image. Judgement is cruel sometimes, but don't let yourself trapped into those world. Live your normal life as you expect and own positive value as you always do. 

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Disclaimer: this article originated written in Bahasa and being translated using Google Translate hence please understand if there's any mistake of tenses and/or misunderstanding that occurred. Read the original version by switch this web to Bahasa version on upper right button. Thank you for reading!

Pictures credit to Pexels

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