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How to Deal with Emergency Situation on Your Presentation Session

Earthquakes, chaos, fight, and any kind of negative activity can be happened during our presentation session unexpectedly. If you are owning the main role as presenter or organizer, you should follow below tips to handle the situation immediately. 

Understanding Emergency Conditions

Emergency conditions are defined as urgent and desperate situation that force us to solve it directly hence it won't cause any victim. Emergencies usually when something are just beyond our control/power, such as fire, earthquake or fight. These situations often made us panic and trapped in negativity.

Be calm

For sure, whether you are the organizer or speaker then you must be the central of attention during the session. It is important for you to keep calm and spread it to your audience as well. By benchmarking the calm behavior of yours, then audience will be soon influenced and affect to overall situation. Vice versa, if you choose to panic, then audience will be more panic and this is just make things worse. Furthermore, you can tell the consequences if audience still panic in order to calm down the situation.

For Example:

  • "Any of us can be a victim and be injured if we didn't choose to be calm down."
  • "Panic is just worsening the situation. If you want to stay safe then please remain calm because the rescue team will be here soon."

Get Help from Other Committee Members

It's all about teamwork, especially in worst situation. Try to ask for help from other committee members in order to calm down the audience and give the right command. For example, if an earthquake happens, do stick within the same information which is directing people to one single exit gate (eg. emergency staircase) and make sure no one gets lost or confuse. Committee members are also expected to make sure all audiences are in good condition (prioritize others as part of responsibility).

Mandatory Briefing on Emergency Conditions

Always insert emergency conditions topic as part of your briefing before the event begins. You can ask every committee members to discover more about the building emergency exits, first aid for emergency conditions and also control their own negative emotions that might occur during the chaos. Committee and yourself should be the one that stay neutral and prioritize solutions.

Be Firm

If there are some parties who are taking advantage to make things worse, don't hesitate to take decisive steps. You can directly approach the person and have a short chat or even do firm step like asking the person to leave the session/room. Of course you must quickly check the situation first about what really happened before taking the step. Be wise and keep polite.

Having a Leader in Charge

In order to prevent "everyone is losing direction" kind of situation, you can appoint one person (out of the committee) to be in charge in such a condition. This is including have rights to decide what is the best for all. You can prefer the security section committee and let them to decide during emergency conditions. This leader will help everybody to get their answer about what to do. Or you can also ask every committee member to be independently taking initiative to make decision (without wait too long) about what's best according to the main principle of the event/your organization.

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Disclaimer: this article originated written in Bahasa and being translated using Google Translate hence please understand if there's any mistake of tenses and/or misunderstanding that occurred. Read the original version by switch this web to Bahasa version on upper right button. Thank you for reading!

Pictures credit to Pexels

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